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National and Global Vanilla Programs

Since 2020 we have begun working both locally and internationally to secure the future of the vanilla industry. 
We understand the entire vanilla industry, farmers and their community are vulnerable to the challenges of culture, disease and climate change. To ensure the industry is sustainable requires a new wholistic approach. 
Australian Vanilla Plantations has created a framework for the entire industry that seeks to ensure all farmers enjoy a living wage and their communities are looked after.
The framework we have created supports the entire vanilla ecosystem and strengthens the vanilla supply chain and to ensure safe passage.

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PNG Vanilla Program

Safe and Sustainable Vanilla farms

Since 2020 we have been working with Papua New Guinea to implement a buying program that is safe for farmers and to support their communities. 

The community support program aims to help improve living standards, education and encourage and improve the quality of vanilla production.


Indonesia Vanilla Initiative

Growing an Industry

Indonesia is one of the largest vanilla producers in the world. As with other vanilla growing countries it too faces significant challenges. Over the past few years the Indonesian government has been working with associations to encourage more vanilla production. 
Australian Vanilla Plantations is involved with one of those initiatives. This is to anchor the first link in the procurement supply chain. 
Our program seeks to ensure farmers receive a 'living wage' for their efforts, reduce the work load, increase yield and provide stable annual pricing. 
The Indonesia Vanilla Buying desk is one of these initiatives.

Australian Vanilla Plantation

Vanilla Assurance Program

Australian Vanilla Plantations is planning its own significant vanilla plantation by growing vanilla in its own proprietary vanilla domes. 
The aim of the projects is to provide a vanilla reserve this will ensure there is an annual supply to the industry regardless of any adverse effects and challenges that occur in other countries. 
The creation of such a reserve will ameliorate some of the supply and price volatility that has damaged the vanilla industry in the past 20 years.

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